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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

Episode 15: Faster Python in 5 seconds!

This is a video I did in span­ish, but I have added eng­lish sub­ti­tles!

It's about dif­fer­ent ways to make your python code faster with­out chang­ing your code, hope peo­ple like it, be­cause do­ing the sub­ti­tles is a ton of work ;-)

Forged in Fire (Destiny's Crucible, #4)

Cover for Forged in Fire (Destiny's Crucible, #4)


I sort of weari­ly read this one, af­ter dis­lik­ing the pre­vi­ous one.
It's a bet­ter book, but al­so looooooong and streeeeeeetched ou­u­u­u­u­u­u­ut.

The au­thor nev­er us­es a sim­ple phrase when a longer one can be used. In this book peo­ple don't feel things. They, in­stead "sort of ex­pe­ri­ence a feel­ing" ... ev­ery­thing is cir­cum­lo­cu­tion­s, and that gets old fast.

Episodio 14: Tests & Bananas

Una in­tro ra­pidi­ta a unit test­s.

¿Por qué? ¿Es muy difí­cil? ¿Vale la pe­na?

¿Aún si uno es­tá ha­cien­do un pro­grami­ta así nomás?

Episodio 13: Python 3.8

¿Qué trae de nue­vo Python 3.8? Un mon­tón de cosas, pero hay 2 en par­tic­u­lar que afectan / mejo­ran / re­suel­ven temas que me mo­lestan des­de hace ¡Más de 10 años!

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina