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RSS parsing...

Now, how is a RSS ag­gre­ga­tor sup­posed to sort these things by date?

  • Tue, 07 Oct 2003 23:09:52 GMT

  • 20010627T12:40:33

the first ok for a hu­man, but for a com­put­er it is not, vicev­er­sa for the sec­ond :-P

Sad­ly, that is what PyCS and ad­voga­to re­turn in the date field of RSS feed­s.

So, the client is forced to as­sume that:

  • That thing must be read­­able some­how for the user, and cant for­­mat it (I try to parse for the ad­vo­ga­­to for­­mat, when it does­nt work I leave it as is)

  • Items cant be sort­ed by date cross-feed (ie: give me the lat­est posts from these ten feed­s) be­­cause I have no re­li­able post­ing date, and must use in­­stead the date it was fetched.

Not nice.

Nice side effect

Looks like the kind fel­lows at kde-red­hat.s­ have a work­ing PyKDE, and I got it while I was up­grad­ing.

That's use­ful be­cause I re­al­ly want­ed to hack some in­to KrSN (the RSS ag­gre­ga­tor tool I once wrote), and it needs PyKDE.

I had­n't done it be­cause build­ing PyKDE on a PI­I, 233MHZ, 128MB of RAM (the on­ly one I have on the In­ter­net) is re­al­ly NOT fun. But once I got it on RP­M, us­ing it works just fine :-)

Adventures in apt-get

Since Red hat 8.0 is ag­ing a lit­tle, I am up­dat­ing it via ap­t-get in­to Red Hat 9.

Sur­pris­ing­ly, it seems to be work­ing ;-)

Advogato post for 2003-10-20 00:18:21

Blogger experience?

I am writ­ing a blog­ging tool, and want it to sup­port all the APIs I can find. Right now, it works with Ad­voga­to, and with PyD­S, and it should work with blog­ger.

Why does­n't it? I don't know. Ap­par­ent­ly blog­ger claims to have a ed­it­Post() method but does­n't.

If any­one has ev­er used XML­R­PC to con­trol a blog­ger.­com blog, I would love to be point­ed at work­ing code. Any lan­guage is ok, re­al­ly.

Weekend ends...

...and I have done noth­ing im­por­tant :-)

Oh, sure, I played games, and drank beer, and had fun, and called my mom (moth­ers day was to­day), but no re­al ad­vance on any­thing at al­l.

I start teach­ing an­oth­er course to­mor­row, so I am copy­ing CDs and brows­ing... re­al­ly I am a bor­ing dude nowa­days.

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