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The Backworlds (The Backworlds, #1)

Cover for The Backworlds (The Backworlds, #1)


It's not BAD, but I have a long queue of things that are prob­a­bly not bad ei­ther. If you liked the 1st one, you will like this one too.


Cover for Seveneves


I am a stupid­ly in­tense Neal Stephen­son fan.

I have read *ev­ery­thing* he wrote ex­cept "The Big U", in­clud­ing es­says, The Mon­go­li­ad, and In­ter­face. This is not one of his top-ti­er book­s.

The love for the top­ic shines through, he's prob­a­bly as much of a space fan as I am a fan of him, and clear­ly he loved the idea and set­ting for this. On the oth­er hand, some things have tak­en a turn for the wood­en.

The be­gin­ning of the book, with the mul­ti­ple-­point-of-view style felt like some­thing out of a 70s Arthur Hai­ley book, like "Hotel" or "Air­port". It gets bet­ter, but it nev­er gets *crack­ing*.

Plus, it has a Stephen­son fi­nale, which is ok if the ride there was like pre­vi­ous rides, but not so ok if the ride is just good.

Af­ter read­ing the pre­vi­ous you may won­der why 4 start­s. Are you kid­ding me? It's Neal Stephen­son! I am re­view­ing it com­pared to his pre­vi­ous books which are some of my favourite nov­els ev­er! Com­pared to most oth­ers this is a kick­ass page turn­er with vivid imag­i­na­tion and so on and so forth.

The Mechanical (The Alchemy Wars, #1)

Cover for The Mechanical (The Alchemy Wars, #1)


Prob­a­bly not for ev­ery­one, but:

1) Ian Tregillis, au­thor of the Milk­weed book­s, the best WW2 fan­ta­sy books ev­er.

2) Tick­tock­men.

3) Spinoza and free will.

4) Good, well-de­scribed ac­tion.

5) Char­ac­ters with depth.

One star each.

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