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Bartleblog 0.0.1

I got a few mails ask­ing to see Bartle­blog... well, if you have a work­ing PyQt, and a work­ing PyDS (ad­voga­to sup­port is to­tal­ly bro­ken right now), and you have a good back­up of your blog, then you may try to get it from here (Use CVS)

It is just not use­ful for a nor­mal blog­ger right now.

I hope the nice guys at pyc­ don't mind me post­ing it here (it's small­er than some of the dy­nam­ic HTML pages ;-)

In a cou­ple of days I will move it to, as soon as I get the project ap­proved.

klog == bartleblog

I won­der if bartle­bog is a good name. It sure is bet­ter than klog, and I like XIXth cen­tu­ry lit ref­er­ences.

I al­so sus­pect al­most noone will get it, and that it just can't be pro­nounced ;-)

I want­ed it to be bartle­by, but there is some tool us­ing that name in source­forge.

On oth­er is­sues: it's HOT here!.

Fighting Spam with Qmail (part II)

Part II of the se­ries. In this ar­ti­cle, we re­place qmail-smt­pd with qpsmt­pd, which is more flex­i­ble and spam-aware.

This cracks me up!

What satire has be­come! I was read­ing http://bar­ra­pun­to.­com and...

Some quotes:

"How­ev­er, these pro­pa­gan­dists aren't just tar­get­ing the young. Take for ex­am­ple Ap­ple Com­put­er­s, mak­ers of the pop­u­lar Mac­in­tosh line of com­put­er­s. The re­al op­er­at­ing sys­tem hid­ing un­der the new­est ver­sion of the Mac­in­tosh op­er­at­ing sys­tem (Ma­cOS X) is called... Dar­win! That's right, new Macs are based on Dar­win­is­m! While they cur­rent­ly don't ad­ver­tise this fact to con­sumer­s, it is well known among the com­put­er elite, who are most­ly Athe­ists and Pa­gan­s. Fur­ther­more, the Dar­win OS is re­leased un­der an "Open Source" li­cense, which is just an­oth­er name for Com­mu­nis­m."

I mean, this guy is a com­ic ge­nius!


Two hard days of work, in­clud­ing mi­grat­ing a serv­er at mid­night. A serv­er that noone re­al­ly knew ex­act­ly what it did!

You see, lots of apps went through it. Weird busi­ness cus­tom pro­pri­etary apps for sev­er­al com­pa­nies.

So, what had to be done? make an­oth­er one of those evil con­trap­tions work. But ap­par­ent­ly noone found a way to pile an­oth­er hack on the hack­tow­er, and my job was to clean up the mess.

Well, they haven't called me yet, so ei­ther it worked, or the guy that I gave my num­ber was fired ;-)

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina