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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

The Drought

Cover for The Drought


Clear­ly in­spired by Stephen King, spe­cial­ly "It", in­clud­ing an echo of that part ev­ery­one hates/loves.

In fac­t, if Stephen King was dead, I would sus­pect this was writ­ten dur­ing a séance. Not bad though!

Siempre que pasa un tren.

Es­cuchan­do "Mi Gin Ton­ic" de Cala­maro con mi seño­ra, es­cuchamos "Hay un de­seo que pi­do siem­pre que pasa un tren". Me río, di­go "Ese ver­so es una pancheza­", y el­la me aclara que cuan­do es­tás en un puente y pasa el tren, hay que pedir un de­seo.

Jamás había oí­do hablar de esa su­per­sti­ción, y en­tonces caigo: es porque en San­ta Fe nun­ca pasa el tren. Es­to me abre la puer­ta a in­ven­tar su­per­sti­ciones hiper­locales, co­mo "cuan­do te mea una catan­ga in­di­ca fu­turo in­for­tu­nio en el amor", o "el pa­so del ca­malote predice el cli­ma". O, co­mo decía mi vie­ja, "si cruzan los sirirís, viene tor­men­ta".

Los de­jo con Cala­maro:

Lunch-hour feature in Nikola: Blogger import

To­day at lunch, I added sup­port for im­port­ing blog­ger (maybe al­so blogspot? They seem to be the same nowa­days) blogs in­to Niko­la my stat­ic blog/site en­gine.

What works?

Well, the on­ly site I tried work­s, most­ly.

  • Posts

  • Pages

  • Tags

  • Drafts

  • Blog Meta­­da­­ta (ex­­cept lan­guage)

  • Redi­rects to keep URLs sta­ble (at least it tries re­al­­ly hard!)

  • URL rewrit­ing in the posts (it tries!)

What's not there?
  • Com­­ments im­­port (it makes more sense to im­­port them via Dis­­qus' im­­port tool)

  • At­­tach­­ments (im­ages and such)

  • Much test­ing

It's ba­si­cal­ly on par with the Word­press im­port, ex­cept noone has used it for re­al. So, feel free to try!

(It's niko­la im­port_blog­ger name_of_the_­dump.xm­l)

Devil Said Bang (Sandman Slim, #4)

Cover for Devil Said Bang (Sandman Slim, #4)


There is hard­ly a part of poor James Stark that has not been shot, cut, set on fire, hacked of­f, or sent to live in Bur­bank.

There is no weird wom­an in Los An­ge­les he has no his­to­ry with, no kind of su­per­nat­u­ral life he has not kicked the ass of, no lame bar where he has not had a drink, no clever but tough yet deep in­side nice bar­tender he has not hit for a smoke, no re­pul­sive act he has not com­mit­ed.

You get the same thing as in the oth­er three book­s. Ex­tra noir di­a­logue, smar­tass­ness, a clever phrase here and there, blood and gut­s.

The schtick is grow­ing stale.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina