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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

rst2pdf bugfixes

Af­ter an aw­ful­ly long time, I set aside one hour for cod­ing, and spent it on bug­fix­ing for rst2pdf.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 112 with r513

  • Fixed Is­­sue 107 with r516

  • Start­ed im­­ple­­men­t­ing Is­­sue 111

Not much work (the fix­es were very sim­ple) but at least I am do­ing some­thing. Im­por­tant since some peo­ple ac­tu­al­ly use this pro­gram ;-)

Personal Injuries (Kindle County Legal Thriller, #5)

Cover for Personal Injuries (Kindle County Legal Thriller, #5)


Some nov­els are all ac­tion and no char­ac­ter build­ing. Scott Tur­ow's nov­els tend to be all char­ac­ter build­ing which works as ac­tion.

The whole "there is no bot­tom with this guy" thing, the bot­tom it­self, the manda­to­ry twist, are all well done, the writ­ing is strange, spe­cial­ly the point of view used (a seem­ing­ly om­ni­scient mi­nor char­ac­ter?), but all is for­giv­en.

Planet LUGLi

In 1997 I was one of the found­ing mem­bers of a LUG, called LUGLi.

I left the group a few years ago, but I have re­joined their mail­ing list re­cent­ly.

Since I of­fi­cial­ly Know Ev­ery­thing About Raw­dog (T­M) I of­fered to cre­ate a plan­et for mem­ber blogs. And here is Plan­e­ta LUGLi.

It's heav­i­ly based on my work for Plan­e­ta PyAr and, just like it, its con­fig­u­ra­tion and da­ta is host­ed in github in case of my sud­den death (and be­cause there is no point in mak­ing it dif­fi­cult to help me ;-).

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina