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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

Bedlam Boyz (Bedlam's Bard, #3)

Cover for Bedlam Boyz (Bedlam's Bard, #3)


One com­men­t: the span­ish sounds right. It may be a lit­tle thing, but be­ing a span­ish speak­er, it's in­cred­i­bly jar­ring when it does­n't. The au­thor or its ed­i­tors did well here.

Oth­er than that, de­cent fan­ta­sy book.

Forgot t omention it: rst2pdf 0.8.1 is out

I an­nounced it on all oth­er places ex­cept here: rst2pdf 0.8.1 is out. What's new?

  • Com­­plex head­­ers and foot­ers

  • Op­­tion­al in­­­line links

  • Wor­­daxe 0.2.6 sup­­port

  • Many bug­­fix­es

Get it at the usu­al place

uRSSus in a magazine DVD?

Of course I could be mis­un­der­stand­ing this, but it seems they in­clud­ed uRSSus 0.2.10 in a DVD for some rea­son :-)

The link and I will not make a "in so­vi­et rus­si­a" joke.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina