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Posts about programming (old posts, page 1)


My Internet connection is very flaky right now (damn you, Velocom!), so working in KRsN is just no fun.

There­fore, I di­vert­ed some of the pro­gram­ming en­er­gy to­wards an old pro­jec­t, called Uqbar.

You can see a cou­ple of screen­shots here

Moving to SQLite

The python shelve mod­ule is too lim­it­ing for the data­base needs of KRsN, so I'm mov­ing it to SQLite and PySQLite.

While this adds an­oth­er de­pen­den­cy, it's a small one, and the cod­ing be­comes way sim­pler. So, I'm do­ing it, be­cause fight­ing against the tools is fool­ish, and shelve was not do­ing it with­out a fight :-)

Some programming

I just committed changes that make KFTE work on KDE 3.1

For any­one who likes FTE, a tra­di­tion­al pro­gram­mer's ed­i­tor from OS­/2 (and DOS, and Mac, and X, and lin­ux con­sole, and pret­ty much ev­ery­where :-), this ver­sion pro­vides a pure Qt and a KDE ver­sion.

While KFTE will prob­a­bly nev­er be­come a full KDE ap­pli­ca­tion (it does­n't sup­port stan­dard short­cut­s, for ex­am­ple), it is a cool ed­i­tor, and one you can use ev­ery­where.

Right now, the way to get it is through KDE's CVS, mod­ule kfte, in­struc­tions for KDE's cur­rent sources here

What I am writing

Well, if you are one of the 6 who ac­tu­al­ly checked the link in the pre­vi­ous en­try, you will know I am writ­ing a news ag­gre­ga­tor ;-)

It is pro­gress­ing quick­ly. Now it is al­most a re­al ap­pli­ca­tion, and on­ly 3 or 4 im­por­tant fea­tures are still miss­ing.

The on­ly thing I wish is that there was a KDE 3.1 python bind­ing, since I would need it to use KHTML :-(

Qt's QTextBrows­er is nice, but it is not a HTML ren­der­ing en­gine, and it would give it a nice in­te­grat­ed feel. Ok, even­tu­al­ly PyKDE 3.1 will come out, I sup­pose :-)

PS: if you fol­low the Pic­tures link on the left side, you can see a new screen­shot!

Advogato post for 2001-03-26 14:15:58

Well, 6 months without posting an entry.

I must con­fess I was pret­ty pissed at some peo­ple around here at the time (note to self: maybe putting my re­al email ad­dress here is not such a good idea. Some peo­ple are re­al­ly scary).

I have been a nul­li­ty when it comes to cod­ing, I have de­clared KRN dead (and since sup­port for KDE 1.x is wan­ing, that's a good thing :-P)

How­ev­er, I have had some re­cent events that make me think I may still have an app in­side me try­ing to get out. More news on that to­mor­row, hope­ful­ly.

I cer­ti­fied Taj (did­n't knew you had a di­ary here, friend!) as mas­ter, be­cause, of course, he is one.

Af­ter read­ing his di­ary, I chuck­le re­mem­ber­ing how I in­tro­duced him to python ;-)

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