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Posts about goodreads (old posts, page 75)

Station Eleven

Cover for Station Eleven


Very in­ter­est­ing book. Re­mind­ed me slight­ly of Cloud At­las with­out all the soul trans­mi­gra­tion.

The Martian Emperor

Cover for The Martian Emperor


A hi­lar­i­ous ad­ven­ture. You *do* need to read the first book first, or this one will make no sense, and it's a shame the au­thor has not writ­ten a third book in the se­ries.

OTO­H, this one has giv­en me Ted­dy Roo­sevelt on a rhi­noc­er­os for a dol­lar, so who am I to com­plain.

The Monster In The Mist

Cover for The Monster In The Mist


This book re­al­ly sur­prised me. I had nev­er heard of it, and got it as a rec­om­men­da­tion on Kin­dle af­ter "The Glass Ma­gi­cian", and since it was 99 cents...

Well, it is sort of an awe­some love child of Verne and Twain, or some­thing like that. Too bad the au­thor ap­par­ent­ly has on­ly writ­ten two of these and aban­doned the se­ries :-(

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