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Posts about goodreads (old posts, page 70)

The Magicians (The Magicians, #1)

Cover for The Magicians (The Magicians, #1)


Very in­ter­est­ing mod­ern take on clas­sic Nar­nia style fan­ta­sy. I'll know more once I fin­ish the tril­o­gy I guess :-)

Storm Front (The Dresden Files, #1)

Cover for Storm Front (The Dresden Files, #1)


Was slight­ly let­down af­ter all the fa­natism in­volv­ing the se­ries, but maybe it gets bet­ter? A per­fect­ly rea­son­able noir-ur­ban-­fan­ta­sy.

Half a King (Shattered Sea, #1)

Cover for Half a King (Shattered Sea, #1)


YA Aber­crom­bie means it's a lit­tle lighter in the gore, much lighter in the sex, yet still pret­ty heavy in the treach­ery and mis­for­tune.

And a big plus! Even though this is part of a tril­o­gy, it works fine as a stand­alone book! It has a be­gin­ning a mid­dle and an end­ing, too!

A fun read, will hap­pi­ly read the se­quel­s.

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