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Posts about goodreads (old posts, page 59)

A Natural History of Dragons (The Memoirs of Lady Trent, #1)

Cover for A Natural History of Dragons (The Memoirs of Lady Trent, #1)


I have said that I dis­like when a fan­ta­sy world is just re­al coun­tries mixed up and trans­plant­ed. Well, this book has that in spades and I did not mind one bit.

Sure, Scir­land is ex­act­ly Eng­land, and Chi­a­vo­ra is ex­act­ly Italy and so on, and ap­par­ent­ly it all takes place cir­ca year 5800 in an­oth­er plan­et where by sheer co­in­ci­dence an ex­act repli­ca of ear­ly Vic­to­ri­an Eng­land has come in­to ex­is­tence.

But you know what? The tone. This book is writ­ten ex­act­ly in the tone of a cranky old nat­u­ral­ist Vic­to­ri­an la­dy. No, I have not ev­er read such a thing, but if I had, I hope it would read just like this book.

It's in some ways a re­al­ly old-­fash­ioned book, al­though writ­ten with a mod­ern sen­si­bil­i­ty.

Plus, rea­son­able(ish) drag­on­s.

Look­ing for­ward to Trop­ic of Ser­pents (which is, just like this one, a awe­some ti­tle).


Cover for DMQZ


The first 80% or so of the book is awe­some. Then it's not.

The end­ing makes me want to throw the book in­to a fire. Luck­i­ly I did­n't be­cause I was read­ing it on a kindle, and it would have been an ex­pen­sive ges­ture.

It's the most bla­tant "pay me for the sec­ond half of this book" I have ev­er read.

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