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Posts about goodreads (old posts, page 29)

Darwin's Radio (Darwin's Radio, #1)

Cover for Darwin's Radio (Darwin's Radio, #1)


I have de­cid­ed Greg Bear is just not a writ­er I can en­joy.

His books are full of char­ac­ters to whom things just hap­pen. They don't act as much as flail around, buf­fet­ed by forces they don't un­der­stand, un­til fi­nal­ly the sto­ry just stop­s, right in time for the se­quel hook, which is prob­a­bly the part of the book that the au­thor has been think­ing about since page 20.

So, in­stead of try­ing to read Dar­win's Chil­dren and see if there is ac­tu­al­ly some fire be­hind all this smoke, I am go­ing to stop wast­ing my time, and read ac­tu­al books with ac­tu­al char­ac­ters that ac­tu­al­ly do things that ac­tu­al­ly have some ef­fect on their lives.

Anvil of Stars (Forge of God, #2)

Cover for Anvil of Stars (Forge of God, #2)


Yet an­oth­er looooong slooooow build to... well, to not much. Not re­al­ly a fun book, not re­al­ly a deep book, not re­al­ly much at al­l. Feels much longer than it is.

Looking for Jake

Cover for Looking for Jake


This short sto­ry col­lec­tion is all sorts of good. Sad­ly I ran out of Chi­na Mieville to read, I will have to find some more.

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