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Posts about goodreads (old posts, page 139)

Agent of the Terran Empire (Flandry, #3)

Cover for Agent of the Terran Empire (Flandry, #3)


I had fond mem­o­ries of read­ing An­der­son and oth­er clas­sic Sci­Fi of the same vin­tage when I was a kid.

Well, that seems to be the right age. On one hand, a kid is apt to be car­ried away by the ad­ven­ture, which is fun, while al­so ig­nor­ing the mis­oginy, the ca­su­al chau­vin­is­m, the jin­go­is­m, the gen­er­al metaphor­i­cal racism and a whole lot of oth­er isms and in­ys which, as a grown up, re­al­ly dull the en­joy­ment of the ex­pe­ri­ence.

Columbus Was A Dope

Cover for Columbus Was A Dope


Not go­ing to make this long, since it's just a short sto­ry, but it's a nice com­bi­na­tion of re­al­ly out­dat­ed writ­ing and an ear for a kind of di­a­log that no hu­man ev­er used :-)

Brute Force

Cover for Brute Force


Not bad, ac­tu­al­ly!

Bet­ter than the lat­est books I read from the au­thor. In­ter­est­ing se­tup, di­a­log on­ly marginal­ly cringe.

Ful­fill­ing the word quo­ta.

The Kind Worth Saving

Cover for The Kind Worth Saving


That was a lot

Liked it maybe a lit­tle more than the first one, even though this one is a bit too un­like­ly.

In any case, it's good that this seems to bring clo­sure and not be part of an end­less se­ries.

The Kind Worth Killing

Cover for The Kind Worth Killing


Now that was pret­ty good!

I got this book pret­ty much at ran­dom, a sur­pris­ing noir, liked it a lot, get­ting the se­quel now.


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