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Posts about goodreads (old posts, page 119)

Stranger Things Happen

Cover for Stranger Things Happen


Like pre­vi­ous Kel­ly Link book­s, I have kept them open, in my "cur­rent­ly read­ing" shelf for ... 8 years?

It's not a lie. I do go back to it per­haps month­ly just be­cause I love these books so much.

Putting it now in the "read" shelf, but I know I am com­ing back to it ev­ery once in a while.

Dead Stop (Sydney Rose Parnell, #2)

Cover for Dead Stop (Sydney Rose Parnell, #2)



I vague­ly re­mem­bered read­ing the first book in the se­ries and the main char­ac­ter­s, but not the sto­ry. This one is ... Ok? Prob­a­bly not go­ing to read fur­ther book­s.

All These Worlds (Bobiverse, #3)

Cover for All These Worlds (Bobiverse, #3)


Good end­ing to the tril­o­gy.

Just found that af­ter a break the au­thor is pub­lish­ing a fourth book. Pre-ordered it, we'll see if the con­cept still has legs.

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