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Posts about goodreads (old posts, page 100)

Wizard Defiant (Intergalactic Wizard Scout Chronicles, #1)

Cover for Wizard Defiant (Intergalactic Wizard Scout Chronicles, #1)


Some­times it feels like the au­thor lost a bet, and was forced to write this book. Con­di­tions of the bet would be:

* It should have some­thing called Ga­lac­tic Wiz­ard Scout Acad­e­my
* It must be a Hero's Jour­ney
* The hero should use a 1-me­ter long weapon that col­laps­es to just a han­dle, shines pur­ple, and caus­es sub­atom­ic ex­plo­sions in what it touch­es, but is not a light saber
* Hero must have mi­nor tele­ki­net­ic pow­ers
* There must be a sar­don­ic com­put­er
* In­clude Check­hov's com­put­er con­spir­a­cy the­o­ry as a throw­away
* In the mid­dle of the nov­el, sud­den­ly switch to a fan­ta­sy the­me, with elves, troll­s, gnomes, drag­ons and demons
* Make the whole set­up so mys­te­ri­ous as to be opaque. Noone knows why things hap­pened, in­clud­ing all char­ac­ter­s.

So, imag­ine the hero of "A New Hope" be­ing Tr-8R and a sud­den tele­por­ta­tion to the Tit­ty Twister and it will give you an idea of the plot.

All things con­sid­ered, it's much more fun than it has any right to be.

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