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Posts about crystal (old posts, page 3)

Croupier version v0.3.1 is out

A new release of Croupier my Crystal library for tasks and dataflow programming is out!

What's Changed

  • In­­o­ti­­fy sup­­port by @ral­si­­na in #1

    This adds the TaskMan­ag­­to_run method that mon­i­tors task in­puts and
    re­runs tasks as need­ed, and TaskMan­ag­­to_stop to stop it.

    This will be use­­ful for Hacé (the croupier-based make-­­like) and Nicol­i­no
    (a SS­G)

    Here's an ex­am­­ple from the test­s:

    x = 0
    counter = { x += 1; x.to_s } "t1", inputs: ["i"], proc: counter)
    #  We need to yield or else the watch call­backs nev­er run
    Fiber.yield"i", "w") << "foo"
    #  It should have run
    (x > 0).should be_true

Full Changel­og: v0.3.0...v0.3.1

Croupier version v0.3.0 is out

A new release of Croupier my Crystal library for tasks and dataflow programming is out!
  • Re­moved name pa­ram­e­ter
  • Made autogenerated Task.@id shorter
  • Im­ple­ment­ed more com­plex task merg­ing strat­e­gy (see
    "com­plex merge" in the spec)

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