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Posts about books (old posts, page 74)

The Serrano Succession (The Serrano Legacy, #6-7)

Cover for The Serrano Succession (The Serrano Legacy, #6-7)


I had read "Once a Hero", which is some­thing like the 4th of 7 books in the Ser­rarno se­ries a long time ago on a used book. Then I got a cou­ple more, again out of or­der from the Baen free li­brary.

I quite liked them so I took a chance now at pay­ing the au­thor and get­ting the whole sto­ry by read­ing the three om­nibus edi­tion­s.

Con­clu­sion: I did not like them as much as I re­mem­bered but they are still pret­ty good. They do suf­fer a bit of the hy­per­com­pe­tent sci­fi hero syn­drome, but at least they are not guys.

The Serrano Connection

Cover for The Serrano Connection


I had read "Once a Hero", which is some­thing like the 4th of 7 books in the Ser­rarno se­ries a long time ago on a used book. Then I got a cou­ple more, again out of or­der from the Baen free li­brary.

I quite liked them so I took a chance now at pay­ing the au­thor and get­ting the whole sto­ry by read­ing the three om­nibus edi­tion­s.

Con­clu­sion: I did not like them as much as I re­mem­bered but they are still pret­ty good. They do suf­fer a bit of the hy­per­com­pe­tent sci­fi hero syn­drome, but at least they are not guys.

The Serrano Connection (The Serrano Legacy, #4-5)

Cover for The Serrano Connection (The Serrano Legacy, #4-5)


I had read "Once a Hero", which is some­thing like the 4th of 7 books in the Ser­rarno se­ries a long time ago on a used book. Then I got a cou­ple more, again out of or­der from the Baen free li­brary.

I quite liked them so I took a chance now at pay­ing the au­thor and get­ting the whole sto­ry by read­ing the three om­nibus edi­tion­s.

Con­clu­sion: I did not like them as much as I re­mem­bered but they are still pret­ty good. They do suf­fer a bit of the hy­per­com­pe­tent sci­fi hero syn­drome, but at least they are not guys.

Heris Serrano (The Serrano Legacy, #1-3)

Cover for Heris Serrano (The Serrano Legacy, #1-3)


I had read "Once a Hero", which is some­thing like the 4th of 7 books in the Ser­ra­no se­ries a long time ago on a used book. Then I got a cou­ple more, again out of or­der from the Baen free li­brary.

I quite liked them so I took a chance now at pay­ing the au­thor and get­ting the whole sto­ry by read­ing the three om­nibus edi­tion­s.

Con­clu­sion: I did not like them as much as I re­mem­bered but they are still pret­ty good. They do suf­fer a bit of the hy­per­com­pe­tent sci­fi hero syn­drome, but at least they are not guys.

Nice Dragons Finish Last (Heartstrikers, #1)

Cover for Nice Dragons Finish Last (Heartstrikers, #1)


Dude, this is the fu­ture, there is mag­ic, drag­ons were re­al all along, De­troit is prop­er­ty of a wa­ter spir­it, deal with it.

Much more fun than it should be. Makes some sort of sense and al­l. Good di­alog, nice char­ac­ter­s, an in­ter­est­ing back­sto­ry which gets tak­en out of the way fast, like it should.

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