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Posts about books (old posts, page 69)

Heaven and Mel

Cover for Heaven and Mel


Two stars is "it was ok". In this case, it means "it was ok for what it is". What it is is crap. Ok crap, though!

Jow Es­zter­has is prob­a­bly the worst writ­er I have ev­er read. He is a sanc­ti­mo­nious, delu­sion­al, self­-­glo­ri­fy­ing as­s. He be­lieves god talks to him about his movies. He be­lieves the vir­gin sends sig­nals to him and his pro­duc­ers green­light­ing his scripts (and even then, they don't get pro­duced!)

And he writes about an­oth­er sanc­ti­mo­nious, delu­sion­al, self­-­glo­ri­fy­ing as­s, Mel Gib­son. They re­al­ly sound pret­ty much the same to me, ex­cept one sounds an­gry and stupid, and the oth­er sounds pet­ty and stupid.

Al­leged­ly, the au­thor had such fear of Mel Gib­son he slept hold­ing a rosary in one hand and a golf club in the oth­er while stay­ing at his house. Then, af­ter a year of work­ing on a script with this man he feared so much, he takes his teenage son and wife to stay at Mel Gib­son's house in a se­clud­ed, re­mote lo­ca­tion in Cos­ta Ri­ca, so his son can go on long na­ture walks with Mel Gib­son.

How does that end? With the fam­i­ly so afraid of Mel Gib­son they sleep with butch­er knives un­der their pil­lows.

That's be­yond stupid, that's un­be­liev­ably stupid., so I ei­ther have to be­lieve Joe Es­zter­has lacks the com­mon sense evo­lu­tion gave a gar­den slug, or will­ing­ly put his fam­i­ly in harms way, or things did­n't quite hap­pen that way.

So, ei­ther the au­thor is a mo­ron, he's evil, or he's a liar. Please no­tice that those are not mu­tu­al­ly ex­clu­sive ex­pla­na­tion­s.

If the av­er­age chris­tian is any­thing like him and Mel Gib­son, I sure am hap­py to be an athe­ist.

Fi­nal­ly, the prose is aw­ful. How a per­son so in­ca­pable of thread­ing three sen­tences in­to a co­her­ent para­graph has man­aged to make a liv­ing off his writ­ing is a mis­tery.

The Goblin Emperor (The Chronicles of Osreth, #1)

Cover for The Goblin Emperor (The Chronicles of Osreth, #1)


I liked it a lot. Sort of a fish out of wa­ter sto­ry about a boy that does­n't know how to be an em­per­or, and his strug­gle with tra­di­tion, com­pli­cat­ed fam­i­ly his­to­ry, etc.

Nit­pick: The nam­ing schemes are *painful*. They are ex­plained in an ap­pen­dix that it would prob­a­bly be a good idea to read be­fore the book.

The Goblin Emperor (The Goblin Emperor, #1)

Cover for The Goblin Emperor (The Goblin Emperor, #1)


I liked it a lot. Sort of a fish out of wa­ter sto­ry about a boy that does­n't know how to be an em­per­or, and his strug­gle with tra­di­tion, com­pli­cat­ed fam­i­ly his­to­ry, etc.

Nit­pick: The nam­ing schemes are *painful*. They are ex­plained in an ap­pen­dix that it would prob­a­bly be a good idea to read be­fore the book.


Cover for Lockstep


Ev­ery once in a while some­one comes up with an idea and you slap your fore­head be­cause it feels ob­vi­ous in ret­ro­spec­t. Lock­step is one of those.

Tra­di­tion­al­ly, in SF, if FTL trav­el is im­pos­si­ble, but sta­sis is pos­si­ble, easy, and cheap, you get in­ter­stel­lar trav­el that's a one-way trip. Lock­step adds "why not hi­ber­nate EV­ERY­ONE so they wait for trav­eller­s?".

And once you have that idea, you get "fake FTL". But that al­so brings up the ques­tion of how long is it a good idea to hi­ber­nate. And once there is a large net­work of worlds hi­ber­nat­ing in lock­step, does it make eco­nom­ic sense to hi­ber­nate less than them? Or more? How about re­source ac­cu­mu­la­tion on hi­ber­na­tion? How about en­forc­ing lock­step? And so on, and this book ex­plores a lot of that.

So, the world build­ing is awe­some, plus it's orig­i­nal! The plot it­self is sort of a throw­away.

Spell or High Water (Magic 2.0, #2)

Cover for Spell or High Water (Magic 2.0, #2)


Yes, white-­cis-geek wish ful­fill­ment fan­ta­sy yad­da yad­da yad­da.

It still is fun­ny, in­ter­est­ing, and a quick, en­ter­tain­ing read. Look­ing for­ward to the 3rd book if it ev­er hap­pen­s.

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