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Posts about books (old posts, page 60)

We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves

Cover for We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves


This book pulls the mid-s­to­ry twist bet­ter than any­thing I've read in ten years. Al­so, love the lan­guage, the sense of strange­ness in the nar­ra­tor's voice. Thanks Bo­ing Bo­ing for lead­ing me in­to this book.

The Book of Basketball: The NBA According to The Sports Guy

Cover for The Book of Basketball: The NBA According to The Sports Guy


What's good about this book is the same that's bad about it. It's a col­lec­tion of the prej­u­dices, knee­jerk re­ac­tions and home­risms of Bill Sim­mons when dis­cussing a sub­ject he re­al­ly is pas­sion­ate about, the NBA.

I would pre­fer he spend his time in­ter­view­ing re­tired play­ers (his Wal­ton chap­ter is awe­some, as is a long ar­ti­cle about Bill Rus­sell he did ear­li­er this year) than or­der­ing dis­parate and in­com­pa­ra­ble things (be­cause how can Bowie-over-Jor­dan and Wal­ton's feet be in the same list in any or­der?)

In any case, it's clear­ly a labour of love and foot­notes, and I like both things.

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