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Posts about books (old posts, page 54)

Dreadnought (The Clockwork Century, #2)

Cover for Dreadnought (The Clockwork Century, #2)


Hey, this se­ries is good! Or at least, no book has been bad yet.
Fine cross-­coun­try ad­ven­ture, it seems to start ty­ing up the threads of the first two books in­to some­thing more co­he­sive.

Clementine (The Clockwork Century, #1.1)

Cover for Clementine (The Clockwork Century, #1.1)


Marked im­prove­ment over Bone­shak­er in some ar­eas, worse in some oth­er­s. Not much char­ac­ter de­vel­op­men­t, but a for­ward-­mov­ing plot.

One in­ter­est­ing bit is how it seems that Seat­tle can be a zom­bie-in­fest­ed hel­l, and be­cause it's far away, *no­body cares*. Heck, they most­ly don't know any­thing about it, they think it's de­sert­ed!

The part that is bet­ter than Bone­shak­er is that this has a plot where you can see how it makes sense that the char­ac­ters do what they do, where in Bone­shak­er... well, not quite. The part that is worse is that the char­ac­ters are not even one-di­men­sion­al, they are one-phrase. You can de­scribe each in one longish sen­tence.

"Fa­mous washed out south­ern spy la­dy badass, now work­ing for Pinker­ton but still loy­al to the south, on a mis­sion" and "Escaped slave, now air pi­rate, with a grudge against those who stole his air­ship and de­ter­mined to catch them, kill them and re­cov­er his prop­er­ty".

There, that's all they are.

[spoil­ers re­moved]

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