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Posts about books (old posts, page 52)

The Book of Seven Hands: A Foreworld SideQuest

Cover for The Book of Seven Hands: A Foreworld SideQuest


I am sure this book's sword­play is ex­ten­sive­ly re­searched. Would it have been so dif­fi­cult to have some­one with even par­tial knowl­edge of span­ish give it a read?

At first it was just an­noy­ing, like say­ing "hedges of ma­tor­ral" which is like say­ing "hedges of bush" but it gets even worse as the book moves for­ward, from writ­ing Pérez "Peréz" to writ­ing Guzmán with a strange di­a­crit­ic that looks like horns in the u and has nev­er been part of span­ish.

And then... and then there is the on­ly whole span­ish phrase in the book and it's "por la derecha a luchar luchas más", which is so hor­rif­i­cal­ly bro­ken if this had been a pa­per book I would have thrown it out the win­dow. And the book al­most ends with a char­ac­ter re­peat­ing "luchar luchas más".

So, good idea, in­trigu­ing sug­ges­tion of where the fore­world saga could go, but lazy, lazy, lazy.

The Girl Who Would Be King

Cover for The Girl Who Would Be King


I must con­fess I skipped over some of the ro­mance bit­s, but quite a good "o­ri­gin sto­ry" book, cre­ates a rea­son­able mythol­o­gy, and is fun.

The Frozen Sky

Cover for The Frozen Sky


More a two-and-a-halfer, if you know what I mean.

The sci­ence felt rushed, and most of the char­ac­ters be­yond the main three or four tend to blur in­to each oth­er a lit­tle.

But hey, it's in­ter­est­ing.

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