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Posts about books (old posts, page 50)

Blaze of Glory

Cover for Blaze of Glory


Meh. The starts tooltip says 2 means "it was ok", but re­al­ly, this was meh. Not 1-s­tar "did­n't like it", but ...

Must con­fess I did not read the Hol­ly­wood stuff at the end. Maybe that's good, I ust did­n't both­er.

A Latent Dark

Cover for A Latent Dark


It starts a bit messy, and some parts seem rushed, but not bad.

Taking on the Dead (Famished #1)

Cover for Taking on the Dead (Famished #1)


A zom­bie book as writ­ten by Danielle Steele? There seem to be huge plot holes, which I will not ar­gue here to avoid spoil­ing stuff.

Not hor­ri­ble, but not my cup of tea, and will not fol­low the tril­o­gy.

The Drought

Cover for The Drought


Clear­ly in­spired by Stephen King, spe­cial­ly "It", in­clud­ing an echo of that part ev­ery­one hates/loves.

In fac­t, if Stephen King was dead, I would sus­pect this was writ­ten dur­ing a séance. Not bad though!

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