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Posts about books (old posts, page 43)

Bypass Gemini (Big Sigma, #1)

Cover for Bypass Gemini (Big Sigma, #1)


This book is what it is. If what you want is a fun book about a guy who gets in a lot of trou­ble and then gets out of trou­ble (genre I think should be giv­en a nice long ger­man word for a name), this is one, and good at it.

It gets rock­et physics very wrong (rock­ets don't work bet­ter when they have some­thing to "push of­f"), but that's a very mi­nor nit­pick.

Wild Cards (Wild Cards, #1)

Cover for Wild Cards (Wild Cards, #1)


I liked this book enough, but the idea of it be­ing part of a 20+ book se­ries is daunt­ing enough that I may not con­tin­ue it.

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