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Posts about books (old posts, page 126)

Perhaps the Stars

Cover for Perhaps the Stars


The lan­guage gets more and more hal­lu­ci­na­to­ry, the plot gets more and more con­vo­lut­ed, the cast of char­ac­ters gets larg­er and larg­er and largest, but it's all for a good rea­son.

The "plot twist" at the end (not re­al­ly a plot twist? It's not about the plot?) sort of made me tear up a lit­tle.

Victories Greater Than Death (Unstoppable #1)

Cover for Victories Greater Than Death (Unstoppable #1)


1) Great YA book
2) Yes, sure, the pro­nouns and such are a bit much for me, but that's just me be­ing old, I can take it
3) It has a gen­uine­ly scary idea for a "weapon" I had nev­er seen be­fore!

The Witness for the Dead (The Cemeteries of Amalo, #1)

Cover for The Witness for the Dead (The Cemeteries of Amalo, #1)


Can't say I re­mem­ber much of the first book in this se­ries oth­er than "I liked it".

This one is some sort of gob­lin-noir, and while the res­o­lu­tion felt a bit abrupt there's quite a lot of world build­ing packed in a small book which fore­bodes good things for the next one.

This Is How You Lose the Time War

Cover for This Is How You Lose the Time War



The epis­to­lary nov­el! Drac­u­la was one, this is an­oth­er one. And in ev­ery oth­er way this book is not Drac­u­la.

It's pret­ty good tho!

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