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Posts about books (old posts, page 124)

This Is How You Lose the Time War

Cover for This Is How You Lose the Time War



The epis­to­lary nov­el! Drac­u­la was one, this is an­oth­er one. And in ev­ery oth­er way this book is not Drac­u­la.

It's pret­ty good tho!


Cover for Lifelode


Do­mes­tic fan­ta­sy is a thing?

I had nev­er even heard of this gen­re, but I would prob­a­bly read Jo Wal­ton's gro­cery list, so I did and I am hap­py to have done it.

There Is No Antimemetics Division

Cover for There Is No Antimemetics Division


In­ter­est­ing. Not sure it makes ac­tu­al sense if pieced all to­geth­er, but goes down smooth­ly if not thought too much about.

How to Rule an Empire and Get Away with It (The Siege #2)

Cover for How to Rule an Empire and Get Away with It (The Siege #2)


Are the char­ac­ters ni­hilis­tic, ca­su­al­ly cru­el, sex­ist? Sure. It's a prob­lem­at­ic book in that way.

The "this is Con­stantino­ple ex­cept where I need to change it to help the plot" is prob­lem­at­ic in its own way, too.

Is it some sort of "see, I am not racist be­cause I swapped peo­ple's colours around from the close his­tor­i­cal par­al­lel I am us­ing" crap? Oh yep.

BUT ... I read it in two days, it was fun. So make of that what you will, it's what it is.

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