--- author: '' category: '' date: 2012/05/15 22:05 description: '' link: '' priority: '' slug: nikola-plans tags: python, nikola title: Nikola Plans type: text updated: 2012/05/15 22:05 url_type: '' --- English only! ------------- I have not stopped working on `Nikola `_, my static site generator. Here are the plans: 1) Finish the theme installer (so you can get a theme from the site easily) 2) Implement a theme gallery on the site (same purpose) 3) Fix a couple of bugs 4) Update manual 5) Polish a few theme bits 6) Release version 3.x (new major number because it requires manual migration) After that, I will push on projects Shoreham (hosted sites) and Smiljan (planet generator) and make them more public. Shoreham will become a real web app for those who don't want to have their own server. For free, hopefully! Once I have that, I have no further feature ideas, really. So I need more people to start using it, and that means I have to start announcing it more. So, stay tuned for version 3.x sometime next week. Post-Nikola, I will do a `rst2pdf `_ release, and then will get back to work on a book.