--- author: '' category: '' date: 2012/07/04 22:28 description: '' link: '' priority: '' slug: nikola-ideas-for-pycamp tags: python, nikola title: Nikola Ideas for PyCamp type: text updated: 2012/07/04 22:28 url_type: '' --- This friday is the beginning of PyCamp, four days of python hacking without distraction or pause. And I want to code a lot. My main target is features for `Nikola `_ my static blog generator. If you are attending PyCamp (or even if you are not), you are welcome to join me in implementing these in a marathon of kickass coding starting this friday and lasting all weekend. I have a few ideas in my head, but I want *more*. These are the ones I have, please add more in the comments if you have any: Code Gallery Like image galleries but for code. Put code in a folder and it will be beautifully displayed. With the addition of a "listings" docutils directive, it will make showing code in detail and in context easy and powerful, and make Nikola more attractive to programmer-bloggers. Gallery Polishing Image galleries are implemented and work, but they could use a lot of polish. From making them more network-efficient, to image RSS feeds, recursive galleries, gallery metadata, image texts, and much more. File Pipelines Want to minimize your CSS? Tidy your HTML? pngcrush your images? apply HTML transformations? Other things I can't imagine? File pipelines would bring the power of the unix shell to a site generator, letting you connect lego-like filters, some provided, some from the community, into a powerful machinery. Online Editing (Alva) While static site generators have lots of benefits, they have one significant downside: you edit the files in your own device. A online editor for Nikola lets you edit them through a web interface for blogging-from-aywhere goodness. Nikola Hosting (Shoreham) Why not create a service where the user feeds posts to a server and then the server publishes them? The feeding can be via a DVCS, or a file sync service, or via online editors, and the output is published automatically or at the push of a button. Drafts I don't do drafts. I type and that's it. But others prefer more cautious and sane approaches. So, how should drafts work? While the feature may be easy to implement, it's a good beginner programmer's task, where you have to think more about what you want to achieve and providing a good user experience than about just banging code. So, is there something you saw in another static blog generator and Nikola lacks? Any cool ideas and want a friendly codebase to hack them on? Do you have any crazy ideas noone would touch with a ten-foot-pole but you think would be awesome to have? Well, now's a good time to talk about it!