--- author: '' category: '' date: 2012/03/30 22:59 description: '' link: '' priority: '' slug: nikola-1-1-is-out tags: python,nikola,programming title: Nikola 1.1 is out! type: text updated: 2012/03/30 22:59 url_type: '' --- A simple yet powerful and flexible static website and blog generator, based on doit, mako, docutils and bootstrap. I built this to power this very site you are reading, but decided it may be useful to others. The main goals of Nikola are: * Small codebase: because I don't want to maintain a big thing for my blog * Fast page generation: Adding a post should not take more that 5 seconds to build. * Static output: Deployment using rsync is smooth. * Flexible page generation: you can decide where everything goes in the final site. * Powerful templates: Uses `Mako `_ * Clean markup for posts: Uses `Docutils `_ * Don't do stupid builds: Uses `doit `_ * Clean HTML output by default: Uses `bootstrap `_ * Comments out of the box: Uses `Disqus `_ * Tags, with their own RSS feeds * Easy way to do a blog * Static pages outside the blog * Multilingual blog support (my own blog is english + spanish) I think this initial version achieves all of those goals, but of course, it can be improved. Feedback is very welcome! Nikola's home page is currently http://nikola-generator.googlecode.com