--- author: '' category: '' date: 2009/10/09 23:12 description: '' link: '' priority: '' slug: BB841 tags: programming, python, rst2pdf title: rst2pdf 0.12 released! type: text updated: 2009/10/09 23:12 url_type: '' --- It's my pleasure to announce the release of rst2pdf version 0.12, available at http://code.google.com/p/rst2pdf/downloads/list Rst2pdf is a tool to generate PDF files directly from restructured text sources via reportlab. Rst2pdf aims to support the full restructured text feature set, and is very close to that goal, while also including some of the more experimental features, like a source code directive with syntax highlighting and math notation support with LaTeX-like syntax. It supports embedding arbitrary fonts, both True Type and PS Type 1, both raster and vector images (including SVG and PDF), page transition effects, multiple, flexible page layouts, cascading styles, and much, much more. This version includes many bugfixes and **MANY** new features compared to the previous 0.11 version, including but not limited to better styling, integration with `sphinx `_, a very raw, preliminar graphical frontend called bookrest, kerning support (via wordaxe), and a much more powerful table implementation. In fact, this release has so much new code it needs testers! I would consider it beta quality, and may (probably will) have some rough spots. You can find more information about rst2pdf in its home page ( http://rst2pdf.googlecode.com), and ask anything you want in the rst2pdf-discuss mailing list (http://groups.google.com/group/rst2pdf-discuss) A list of improvements and changes in this version is just too long, but is available at the `changelog `_ I hope you enjoy this program! -------------------- In other news, Google just found me two nice things related to rst2pdf: 1. A tutorial to use sphinx and rst2pdf for japanese texts: http://d.hatena.ne.jp/MiCHiLU/20091009/1255065687 2. It looks like a rst2pdf 0.11 binary for windows is shipped by `pythonxy `_ here: http://code.google.com/p/pythonxy/downloads/detail?name=rst2pdf-0.11_py26.exe I will link to that! I love when people do things like these :-)