--- category: '' date: 2004/02/09 15:18 description: '' link: '' priority: '' slug: '22' tags: kde, programming title: 'Interface Designers and Free Software: A Realistic Proposal' type: text updated: 2004/02/09 15:18 url_type: '' --- .. raw:: html

A lot has been said in the last couple of years about HCI and UI design in free software, most of it damning.

While such criticism has basis in fact, it has usually been written from the designer's side. The purpose of this article is to explain the way I, see things, which is, of course, different.

First, since this is my perspective, let me explain you where I come from.

So, why would my opinion be worth it? Well, let's put it this way, those who have a greater magnitude in their programming vector [1] are probably not going to bother writing something like this, because they are busy, and they assume it's obvious [2].

My theory is that basically two groups of well meaning people are talking past each other and driving both groups mad in the process.

So, with that out of the way, let's get down to business.

The UI designer's case, as well as I understand it:

As far as I can see, that reasoning is 100% correct.

The coder's case, as well as I understand it:

And, of course, that reasoning iss 100% correct as well.

So, what?

In the famous words, what we have here is a failure to communicate. As well as two groups of people with larger than average egos.

The coders have large egos because they create stuff out of nothing. That does that to you. I know it.

The designers have large egos because they usually see other people implement what they think. It's almost the same syndrome.

So, how can we get around this? I will just say what I think, I am probably coder-biased, although I am trying to be fair. So, if you disagree, just comment, and try to be civil.

On the coder's side

On the designer's side

Other related issues

It has been said that the reason why the dog wags the tail is because the dog's smarter. That's only part of the truth. The other part is that the dog has about 50 times the mass of the tail.

In the free software world, developers outnumber designers probably by three orders of magnitude. So, designers sometimes feel a need to be shrill in order to be heard. While comprehensible, it's not something that will lead where you want to go. Developers can be as shrill as anyone you know.

On the other hand, coders perceive designers as bossy, and tend to dismiss them as unproductive fuzzy artsy types. While understandable, it's stupid. They are skilled in other ways than us, and are worthy. In fact, because of the rarity of the free-software-involved designer, they are to be cared for.

Coders tend to see some designer suggestions as simple because they are easy to implement. How important can it be if it only takes changing a constant? Well, if it's so easy, why not do it?

Designers tend to see some coders reticence to change as stubborness. Why doesn't he change that constant? Well, have you told him why he should? And no, "because I say so and I am a designer" is not good enough.

Now, all this article sounds suspiciously like "why can't we all just get along?", and that's partly true. However, why can't we? really? I think I mentioned some of the reasons. Hopefully we can.

[1]Nerdy way of saying: better programmers
[2]One of the most annoying habits of programmers is overestimating other people's knowledge of their mental process. It's because they understand themselves.
[3]The reason why a designer usually disagrees with that is pretty simple, they define better in different ways.
[4]I am the happy author of 4 apps that have no users whatsoever beyond me. Happy as a clam!